Sunday, December 13, 2009

mod_proc is in, but it has problems with signal...

mod_proc is now in, but there seems to be a problem with signal...
Processes seem to be affected by signal, but they won't die; their id changes but nothing else.
Also, when a process is called, their father local var is not set correctly (it's always set to 0).

let_me_alone does kill the processes that you didn't try to kill with signal before.

There's also some other function that I've not yet isolated that results in an unhandled exception...

Will have to look into this....


Unknown said...

As far as I know, signals do their job when arriving at Frame. Have you got Frame ported already? :)

Unknown said...

Yes, FRAME is included in the bgdrtm. As I said in today's post, it was a problem related to the offset used in the dcb.

It's working now :)

Thanks for your comment and sorry for the delay in answering!
